The Sower’s Chapel Calendar


Bible Study meets Tuesdays early afternoon nearby.

We’re currently studying the Gospel of Mark.

Call 412-352-6332 for time and place each week.


The Wonders of Heaven

Wednesdays through February, 7-8 pm at The Sower’s Chapel

We’re offering a small group on Wednesday evenings 7-8pm  starting January 8, to study a book of the New Church Writings called HEAVEN AND HELL. It’s a great place to start to learn about what it’s like to live in heaven. In fact 2/3 of the book is about heaven, and the original full title is THE WONDERS OF HEAVEN.

What will it be like for us in heaven? We’ll find out. But it’s not just our life after death that we’ll explore.

Right now, every moment throughout our life, we are living in the company of angels — heaven is here and now with us. And from the Lord the angels are continuing trying to help us to learn and to live that heavenly, truly human life. So we’ll be learning about good options for our lives — right now!

Join us for worship on Sundays at 10:00 a.m.